Sunday, February 21, 2010

God is good.

I do this thing with Young Life called "campaigners" and its a bible study for high school guys who are interested in taking this whole figuring out who God is to the next level! Mikey, Ben and I didn't really have anything planned but God still did some good things in these guys. We read in Philippians 3. We just talked about the part where Paul was saying how he used to be righteous by the law but how he is made righteous now by just knowing Christ. The guys asked great questions and I really felt Gods spirit working in them. Its such a blessing for me to be in the position that I am in.

Saturday, February 20, 2010


Today started off pretty simple. I had a good work out with my friend/brother Mike. Then I met up with my good friend Abby and we just caught up on life. I tried to study but I failed. God affirmed me on some future plans in my life today. For the past year God has put a strong desire in my heart to go to worship school in California but I only wanted this to happen by his will. I have just been praying that God would lay out a path. My good friend called me today just wondering where my heart was with it and he has a lot of connections at the school of worship and he made it seem like he could really help me out. It seems like God is just laying out this path for me to go to worship school. Our conversation really felt significant as far as God getting ready to allow this to happen but I am still gonna be patient with open hands.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Young Life!

Young Life started back up and it felt so good to bring it back. This picture above is a picture of Mikey, Ben and I. We did this skit pretending to be Arabian people pretty much. I really don't know how the kids took it but they were left feeling awkward which is good lol. I brought these northside kids with me tonight named Brandon, TJ, and Pyo. Tj and Pyo were new and they loved it! It was really cool to see them come to club because they were breaking aka break dancing. God is bringing a lot of diversity at club and God is just really breaking down barriers with the tension between the two High schools (Northside and Snider) which is an answer to prayer. I'm excited for this semester of Young Life to start up!

Friday, February 12, 2010

Hosea 11

I haven't been blogging as much as I've been wanting to but that's just because I've been lazy/ busy. As I've said before, I've been going through the book of Hosea and its been really difficult for me to read just because of the wrath that God had on Israel. In Hosea 11, God starts showing compassion and love towards Israel even when they are rebelling against him. It says that "his heart is changed and that his compassion is aroused".

Hosea 11:3-4

"It was I who taught Ephraim to walk, taking them by the arms, but they did not realize it, I who healed them. I led them with cords of human kindness and with ties of love."

Sometimes I forget where God has brought me from. I forget that he is the one who breathed life into me. This verse just allows me to go back remember how great our God really is. It helps me remember the love he showed me in my past and the love he is showing me now. God is love.

Today was a struggle for me wanting to seek God but when I look in the past and see what he has done and what he is doing right now,it makes me want him more. So my prayer is that I will consistently remember what God has done but also look forward to what he is doing and what he will do.

Sunday, February 7, 2010


This made the morning start off really nice. It was a cup of old crown coffee and a blueberry muffin. I have this 9 chapter biology test tomorrow morning and this helped me do some studying. Well Kind of.

Then I have been looking for a new place to record just because I've been writing some new music and I really want God to use it someway or somehow. I went to this studio today out in Grabill called the recording house. It is ran by this guy named Lynn Graber. He seems to be like a really sweet dude and the place he has is awesome! So my plans as of now is to try and get some recording done with him. P.S. That man in the background is my good friend Landon Bailey and he was laying down some guitar tracks but he had this awesome beard and long hair. It was mega burly.

Then we had some family bonding time making some won tons for this super bowl party with a bunch of Young life guys! Won tons are a Korean dish and everybody loved them! My granny is from Korea so you know she makes them good. The Super Bowl on the other hand was some good stuff because The Saints won ! Better yet the Colts Lost!!!!!

Good Day.

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Art show = sweet

Tonight I went to this art show and there was this local band playing called The Darkroom. I think they might be one of my favorite local bands but the venue they played had up all this art and it was packed out! Over at the Pint and Slice (across the street) there was more art put up there. I got to see a bunch of familiar faces and I just got to hang out with friends. It was a good time!

However I am reading through Hosea right now which is kind of rough. I have trouble reading through the Old Testament sometimes just because its difficult for me to understand it without having someone there to explain it to me. I am trying to break through this wall I always hit. Well so far the book of Hosea is just showing the wrath of God when his people rebel against him. Its really difficult to read but it is also very real of who God is. Sometimes its so easy to just see God for all the "cute things" but our God has wrath and I need to just let the reality of that soak in. I can't overlook it.

Friday, February 5, 2010

Balance Problems

So I had a study group last night with some friends Amanda, Jaime, And Bowers. We just went through this study guide together for our Bio class. The book on the left of the picture is our actual bio book and the stack of papers on the right is our notes for our upcoming test. This test is over 9 chapters. Just let that soak in. NINE CHAPTERS! Note: this test is on Monday morning when the Super Bowl is on Sunday night. not good. I also have another test this weekend for my Psychology class. So what I am trying to say is that I am a little bit overwhelmed and stressed with school. I was supposed to go on this weekend retreat for this organization that I am part of called Young Life but it got cancelled due to the bad weather. Which is a bummer because I was really looking forward to it but it also allows me to have some more time to study. This whole idea of stress and worry has just been getting a hold of me and it effects me spiritually. Its so easy for me to live in the place of just trying take everything on myself but I can't do that! God calls us to fully hand over our lives to him so that we can have life to the full. John 10:10. My prayer is that I naturally live in the place of handing it all over to God!

I do have some exciting stuff coming up though! first off Young life is starting up this week which I am stoked for. Mike and Ben posted a video which kind of puts this desire in my heart for me and Zach to post a Young Life video so we will see what happens. Also I have been talking to this guy about recording which I am really excited for. His name is Lynn Graber and I am going to check out his studio this Sunday. Plus I am thinking about getting chipotle tomorrow which thats always exciting!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The surgery.

So I havent been posting much lately because I've had a lot going on between school and my moms surgery. My mom had a sist on her ovary and she had to get her ovary taken out. I was kind of grossed out because I saw pictures of her ovary and stuff. eww. The surgery ended up going well but it was difficult taking her home after her breakdown at walgreens but I survived and so did she. Shes recovering pretty fast which is good. Homework is killing me though but im just trying to stick it out.