Monday, March 8, 2010

Grace is compelling.

Something really exciting happened to me today. First off to give you a little background, my family is a little different then most peoples family. We just constantly have craziness going on in our family but I still love everyone with all my heart. Well my little brother Noah has really bad anger problems and my youngest brother Mikey told me a secret of how Noah was going to beat these kids up at school who have been picking on him and his friends everyday after school gets out. Once Noah heard Mikey tell me this then immediately Noah ran at Mikey and hit him as hard as he could and he tackled him. Then Noah started slamming the door and I tried talking to him but he wasn't listening. I offered him GRACE instead of punishment. I told Noah if he let me talk to these kids who have been picking on him and if he apologizes to Mikey in a real way from his heart that I would take him out to the IMAX theater to Alice in Wonderland 3d. His heart went immediately from being hard to soft. He told me that he trusts that I would take care of the situation. Then I saw him apologize to Mikey ( which he never does) in a REAL way. It just made me think of how we as Gods children don't deserve his Grace but he still offers it. Grace is compelling when we except in our hearts.

Praise God for his amazing love!

1 comment:

  1. Dude, this post is awesome. It is simply put but you told that story so well. What an awesome picture you have painted for how we are to interact with all situations where a firm hand could be placed. Eesh, it shows me where I fall short of doing this all too often too. Thanks for posting bra.
